They will try to close the door on you, just open it. We don’t see them, we will never see them. They key is to have every key, the key to open every door. Let me be clear, you have to make it through the jungle to make it to paradise, that’s the key, Lion! The key to more success is to get a massage once a week, very important, major key, cloth talk. You see the hedges, how I got it shaped up? It’s important to shape up your hedges, it’s like getting a haircut, stay fresh.
Let me be clear, you have to make it through the jungle to make it to paradise, that’s the key, Lion! They will try to close the door on you, just open it. They don’t want us to win. Egg whites, turkey sausage, wheat toast, water. Of course they don’t want us to eat our breakfast, so we are going to enjoy our breakfast.